21/7/14 Open Kitchen Social Club launch


Open Kitchen Social Club is a new venture for us in that it has nothing to do with film! Well not yet anyway, though there may well be                                                              
film/media projects that come out of it. At it’s inception (now) it is a weekly community event, the focus of which is to provide food,
support, and a place to meet for, primarily, destitute asylum seekers but also refugees and those in need in the wider local community.

Food will be provided free of charge to those with no source of income and on a voluntary donations basis to anyone else. Any funds
raised will go towards buying food for future events. The project aims to create a free and non-judgemental space where people from all
backgrounds can share food, time, skills and experience. We’re just about to start so watch this space!

It happens every Monday 12 – 3.30pm, at Regather, 57-59 Club Garden Road, Sheffield, S11 8BU.

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